Labels:bulletin board | fence | grass | lodestone | reckoner | road | sand | sidewalk | sky | vegetarianism | water OCR: al.edefghielmnofgrstuvwxyz ARCDAFG HOTKL-M NOPQ 0123456789 ~!@ #$% <=+ <00 ha guial brean Fex fumhs cvat the Laat deg The queick Lrown fox juemas wverthe Lazy dog. The quick brown fox jempes ovEr the Lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps OUEr the Lazy -bop The quick brown fox jumps oUER the Lazy .bop The quick brown fox jumps OUEr the Lazy .bop Ihe quick brown fox jumps OUER the Lazy bop edefahig JaKLM NXPO guiak quiaf jomas jumfas jumks